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Wallingford Girls' Softball League

WGSL Ethics

WGSL Ethics

Coaches / Player / Spectator Behavior:

  • Coaches are responsible for their players during games and during practices.
  • Use of inappropriate language is prohibited by coaches, players and spectators.
  • Forfeiture of a game is a possibility.
  • No alcoholic beverages are allowed.
  • Inappropriate behavior is prohibited by coaches, players and spectators.
  • This includes coaches dealing with players – there will be no humiliation of players.
  • (Problem players – have a semi-private discussion with them.)
  • Coaches are responsible for their entire team and spectators to follow general rules.
  • Coaches need to keep their players together. If parent is not helping, they are required to stay in spectator designated areas.
  • Players are to stay on their respective benches unless their coach gives them authorization to leave.


Disagreements / Interpretations of umpire calls – should be discussed with the umpire in a respectful manner. Keep calm. A complaint (“game under protest”) can be filed with notification to the umpire after a controversial situation. Discuss any questions and / or concerns with the umpire prior to the game when possible.

Don’t Argue With Umpires -
"Don't argue with umpires! Why? Two good reasons--umpires rarely change their calls and they are human. Everyone is entertained when the manager of a Major League team roars out of the dugout to argue with an umpire. After many colorful words, dirt kicking, gum or tobacco spitting, and equipment throwing, the call rarely changes. Major League managers often argue with umpires knowing the call won’t change, but they do it anyway to show support for their players. Some would say that arguing with umpires is part of the game. That may be true at the professional level, but there is no place for arguing with umpires in youth softball. Coaches and parents who argue with umpires set a poor example for young people who are very impressionable. Show me a young player who argues with umpires and I’ll show you a coach or a parent who has exhibited the same behavior in front of this player. Umpires are not only adults who should command the respect of children; they are also humans who will fail at times. Just as players will make mental mistakes during a game, so will umpires. I have yet to see an umpire yell at a player who threw to the wrong base. In the event an umpire makes an obvious mistake in a youth softball game, the coach and only the coach should approach the umpire in a respectful manner to understand why the call was made. After a brief discussion and a final ruling by the umpire, the coaches, players and spectators should accept the call and move on with the game." ......Author Unknown.

Playing field conditions – It is the umpire’s responsibility to make sure that the field is playable. If he decides that the field is not playable, he can cancel the game. If you find an unsafe condition, bring it to the attention of the umpire immediately.

Coaches are responsible to make sure that their players understand and follow all of the WGSL rules. For example: no jewelry, wearing proper clothing, rules in general.

To eliminate any confusion, the coach should go over the most common league rules with the parents of their players. For example: 10 batter rule, players must play at least 3 innings in the field, 5 inning rule.

The players are ultimately responsible for attending practices and games.

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